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Mastering Motion
Mastering Motion Introduction (7:16)
Understanding the teachable Interface (5:58)
Course Curriculum introduction (28:45)
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TVPaint 20% Discount (5:22)
The Way of the Professional Animator (extra course)
Mastering Drawing
1. Refreshing your Drawing Principles - seminar collection (118:51)
2. QUIZ - Drawing Principles
3. Big-Medium-Small (4:58)
4. Creating animation-Friendly Designs (20:21)
5. Finding your Natural Hand Motion (22:52)
6. Simplification and Caricature (18:46)
7. Simplification Assignment (8:28)
8. Accuracy-Aesthetics-Character (Concept) (24:21)
9. Studying the Masters of Illustration (21:21)
10. QUIZ - Mastering Drawing
11. Group Feedback recording (part 1) (62:40)
12. Group Feedback recording (part 2) (79:39)
Mastering FX Animation - Part 1
1. The 12 Principles of Animation - recap seminar (59:43)
2. How to train the principles (7:26)
3. QUIZ - Animation Principles
4. Chapter Introduction (3:16)
5. Inbetweening And Easing (17:11)
6. Expressing Emotion with Motion (Demo + Assignment) (17:06)
7. Air Currents (14:58)
8. Curling Lines (33:54)
9. Shockwaves 1 - Perspective Recap (7:50)
10. Shockwaves 2 - Launching a Rocket - Part 1 (10:49)
11. Shockwaves 3 - Launching a Rocket - Part 2 (21:39)
12. Shockwaves 4 - Ring Demonstration (9:52)
Mastering FX Animation - Part 2
1. The Power of Strobing (27:50)
2. The Power of Wave Motion 1 (13:52)
3. The Power of Wave Motion 2 (18:01)
4. Wave Motion ASSIGNMENT (8:53)
5. The Power of Wave Motion 3 (5:45)
6. The Power of Wave Motion 4 (11:09)
7. The Power of Wave Motion 5 (5:34)
8. The Power of Wave Motion 6 (7:15)
9. The Power of Wave Motion 7 (7:14)
11. Mastering Animation - Student Feedback/ Discussion Recording (86:48)
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Reference Process - Part 1
1. My Reference Process - Step 1 Explained (12:42)
2. My Reference Process - Step 2 Explained (3:14)
3. My Reference Process - Step 3 (Demo) (9:19)
4. My Reference Process - Step 4 Explained (2:48)
5. My Reference Process - Step 5 Explained (3:39)
6. Level 1 Referencing Explained (8:16)
7. Level 1 Reference Demo - Drawing the poses (19:34)
8. Level 1 Reference Demo - Animating The Poses (19:53)
9. Level 1 Reference Demo - Retiming The Poses (23:43)
10. Level 1 ASSIGNMENT BRIEFING (6:51)
Reference Process - Part 2
1 Level 2 Referencing Explained (7:17)
2 Level 2 Reference - Capturing the Poses (17:54)
3 Level 2 Reference - 3D Visualization (14:51)
4 Level 2 Reference - Anatomy Pass And Keyframing (19:20)
5 Level 2 Reference - Timing The Animation (6:24)
6 Level 2 Reference - Vortex Aftermath Effect (9:24)
7 Level 2 Reference - Abstract Vortex Effect (14:12)
9 Level 3 Referencing Explained (12:05)
10 Level 3 Reference Demo - Imagining key drawings (14:05)
11 Bonus: Adapt to any Drawing Style 1 (12:48)
12 Bonus: Adapt to any Drawing Style 2 (8:45)
13 Bonus: Adapt to any Drawing Style 3 (7:21)
Hand-Drawn Camera Movement - Part 1
0) 2D over 3D? Why? (16:11)
1) Let's Make a "3D" Swarm (Assignment / Demo) (17:48)
2) Remember This when Making Arcs in Perspective (3:15)
3) My Camera Movement Methods (14:03)
4) Guide to Buying A DSLR Camera (32:47)
5) Focal Lengths Explained (16:44)
6) A Simple Exercise for Learning Vanishing Points / Focal lengths (8:24)
7) Spatial Vs Screen Movement - This Changes EVERYTHING! (20:35)
8) The Essential Principles Of Parallax (14:46)
9) Example File - Chad Rivera (20:16)
10) A Simple Exercise for Learning 3D Rotation (18:10)
11) Which Camera Move is the Hardest?? (2:40)
12) Multiplane Vs Frame By Frame Technique (16:13)
13) Example File - Hey Tim (15:16)
Hand-Drawn Camera Movement - Part 2
Window Jump 1 - Crazy References That Inspired Me (14:01)
My "Corridor Experiments" Reveal How Parallax Works (22:12)
Window Jump 2 - Trucking, Panning, Pedestalling - All at Once! (12:18)
How the "Rapid Dolly In" Works (9:23)
Window Jump 3 - Rapid Dolly In (7:46)
Window Jump 4 - Rapid Dolly In (7:58)
Window Jump 5 - Arcing Around A Man in Freefall (8:29)
Window Jump 6 - Give that Man a Sword! (5:48)
Window Jump 7 Animating Buildings in Perspective (14:34)
Why Perspective Warp Is Over-Powered (18:28)
Window Jump 8 Animating buildings in Perspective (13:52)
Window Jump 9 Adding The Moving Background (7:31)
Window Jump 10 My Secret Weapon For Natural Camera Movement (10:33)
Window Jump 11 Shattering Glass Fx Animation Process (9:15)
Window Jump 11 - Summary Diagrams! (13:02)
Hand-Drawn Camera Movement - Part 3
Hand Drawn Camera Movement ASSIGNMENT (4:25)
Reference Study 1 - Navigating a 3D Landscape (24:49)
Reference Study 2 - Learning from FPV Drones (24:45)
Reference Study 3 - Drawing the Body in 3D (18:56)
Scene Study 1 - Violent Panning in "The Shining" (8:02)
Scene Study 2 - Subjective camerawork in "Taxi Driver" (12:30)
Scene Study 3 - Energetic editing in "Goodfellas" (9:30)
Scene Study 4 - Sublime set layout in "Parasite" (8:21)
Scene Study 5 - A beautiful experience in "Mar Adentro" (11:30)
Combat Choreography
Combat Choreography Narratives (Introduction) (19:10)
Elements Of Combat (11:56)
Observing Real Combat (15:32)
Real Vs Entertainment in Combat (8:26)
Animating Combat from Reference 1 (13:28)
Animating Combat from Reference 2 (12:07)
Animating Combat from Reference 3 (14:50)
The Most Important Name in Fight Choreography (11:18)
ASSIGNMENT 1 - Drawing fight poses (5:19)
Drawing combat poses from imagination (Demo) (11:35)
ASSIGNMENT 2 - Linking fight poses (7:53)
Designing Breakdown frames (13:48)
ASSIGNMENT 3 - Creating context (6:23)
Sword Fight 1 - When Swords Collide (14:06)
Sword Fight 2 - Controlling Intensity vs Rest (11:08)
Sword Fight 3 - Moving Characters Into Place (5:32)
Sword Fight 4 - Jumping to the ending (10:52)
Sword Fight 5 - Overstate, then dial it back (8:53)
Sword Fight 6 - Key Take Aways (7:43)
My Favorite Reference Sources for Combat (6:20)
Character Animation - Pre-production
1. Introduction to Character Animation (5:50)
2. Character Assignment 1 - (Head Turn) (7:58)
3. How to Prepare Your Reference Footage (5:39)
4. Studio Design Vs Indie Design (16:13)
5. Character Design Industry Example: Your Name (19:26)
6. Character Design Industry Example: Spirited Away (8:07)
7. Base A Character On A Real Life Person (9:04)
8. Cutting Corners in Character Design (the Indie Method) (15:25)
9. Character Assignment 2 - (Expression Change) (10:13)
10. How to Edit videos in Adobe Premiere - Tutorial 1 (12:12)
11. How to Edit videos in Adobe Premiere - Tutorial 2 (13:41)
12. Preparing And Shooting Reference Footage (14:40)
Character Animation - Production
1 Character Animation ASSIGNMENT briefing (7:22)
2 ASSIGNMENT - Imagining situations for the audio (14:25)
3 Production 1A - Placing Your Keyframes (11:18)
4 Production 1B - Drawing Your Keyframes (8:53)
5 Isolating Important Parts of Movement (14:04)
6 Moving Fast And Loose (12:54)
7 Mouth Shapes And Facial Animation (34:52)
8 Drawing the Eyes to Express Emotion (17:21)
9 Lip Sync Timing EXERCISE (Tvpaint) (11:04)
10 Lip Sync (applied in a real scenario) (6:10)
11 Buddy ASSIGNMENT - the art of collaboration! (9:36)
12 Preparing Your File For an Inbetweener (12:54)
13 Communicating With Your Inbetweener (Demo) (20:36)
14 Communicating Through OBS Screen-Share (1:51)
15 Sharing Files With Your Inbetweener (3:02)
16 Character 1 Animation Process Recap (17:27)
17 Character 2 Animation Process Recap (16:06)
18 My "Trace and Move" Method for solid Inbetweens (4:45)
19 Favoring (Preferencing) Your Inbetweens (5:09)
20 Breathing Poses - make your characters come alive (7:29)
21 Conclusion / Character Performance Breakdowns (23:01)
Character animation - post production
1 How I Test Colours In Photoshop (15:12)
2 Importing The Color Choices Into Tvpaint (3:54)
3 Shading And Coloring In Tvpaint (18:13)
4 Environmental Animation (20:32)
5 Moving Layers Into After Effects (19:13)
6 Auto-Inbetweening The Grass (Interpolation) (10:04)
7 Simple Camera Movement In After Effects (9:55)
8 Color Grading The Animation (31:13)
9 Adding Sound Effects 1 (13:52)
10 Adding Sound Effects 2 (9:44)
11 Designing Sound (6:11)
12 Greatest Acting Performances of all time (Lecture / study) (65:35)
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Parting Advice / Conclusion
5. Character Design Industry Example: Your Name
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